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Awakening The Soul: Insights For the Month of Virgo

August 01, 20244 min read

Welcome to the month of Virgo, one of the most significant months of the year. This entire month is designed for self-reflection, cleansing, and preparing ourselves for the Jewish High Holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Even if one does not celebrate Rosh Hashanah, the energy of Virgo can help facilitate positive change in our lives if we use this month properly.

What is the Virgo Energy All About?

In astrology, Virgo is represented by the virgin – pure, untouched, and complete. Virgos tend to be detail-oriented perfectionists who see life through an imperfect lens. As a result, they can be critical, judgmental, and feel they know everything. The goal during Virgo season is to move away from criticism and judgement of others and to turn inward. Virgo gives us the greatest opening to identify our own imperfections and flaws in order to change and grow.

Teshuva – Returning to the Scene of the Crime

In Hebrew, the month of Virgo is called the month of “teshuva.” Often translated as repentance or return, the mystical meaning is to return to the “scene of the crime.” When we have hurt others through our speech or actions, intentional or not, we have created a blockage that prevents us from being a conduit of God’s light. The real meaning of “return to God” is to return to these moments, take responsibility, and remove the blockage so we can realign with the Creator’s light. We return to the past mentally and emotionally, scanning for situations where we acted improperly – stealing, lying, embarrassment, judgement of others. The more we remember, the more God can forget because we have taken responsibility to repair the damage. For what we forget, God remembers because the universe never forgets until the negation is corrected.

3 Steps to Make the Most of the Month of Virgo

  1. Look Back – Review the past year and scan for all situations where you acted negatively. Go back into the details of each one.

  2. Go Back – Put yourself in the other person’s shoes and experience the hurt you may have caused them. Feel true remorse.

  3. Payback – Ask for forgiveness from others if possible. Make amends however you can. Commit to change and not repeat harmful behaviors.

In addition to taking responsibility for our own actions, Virgo season is also about releasing anyone who may have hurt us. True spiritual forgiveness means releasing others from liability. We take full responsibility for the causes of our pain because the universe uses people and events to deliver us important messages. As long as we blame others, we carry that hurt into the next year. Before sleep every night, and especially this month, we must forgive and release anyone who we feel harmed us.

Why Mistakes Are Part of the Plan

Our essence is good, but we make mistakes by design. Self-reflection helps us learn and grow into our divine nature. The month of Virgo provides the optimal energetic support from the universe to really transform our flaws. The Zohar teaches that repentance was created before man because the purpose of our existence is teshuvah – returning to our mistakes and repairing ourselves. There is no greater light than the light revealed through sincere teshuvah.

Rosh Hashanah Access the Light

If we thoroughly do this spiritual work during the month of Virgo, Rosh Hashanah becomes far more powerful. The blowing of the shofar on Rosh Hashanah enables us to access even more transformative light. It holds the power to soften any decrees against us and change the impact of our negative actions from the entire year and even previous lifetimes. The month of Virgo provides the optimal window to prepare ourselves so we can access the elevated light and blessings that are wide open to us on the High Holidays. Especially on Rosh Hashanah, we are able to draw down light for the coming year – light that manifests as longevity, health, happiness, sustenance, and fulfillment of our purpose in this incarnation. No matter what spiritual tradition you follow, Virgo season presents a valuable opportunity for self-reflection, cleansing what no longer serves us, and initiating deep positive change in preparation for the new year ahead.

Private Coaching & Preparation

As we embark on this important month of preparation, I encourage you to book a private consciousness coaching session with me. Having an expert guide can help maximize the transformational potential of this month’s energy. In our session, we will explore your past year using the steps outlined above. Together we will uncover blockages you may be unaware of and develop a plan to enable you to enter the Kabbalistic High Holidays resonating at your highest frequency. CLICK HERE to schedule a free 30-min coaching session and learn more about the customized approach I offer for spiritual growth and evolution. Invest in yourself this Elul so you can actualize more blessings this coming year.

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