The Soul Academy Courses

Rabbi Abe Hardoon Kabbalah Rabbi, Lecturer, and Soul Coach

35 years ago, I had a life-changing experience that transformed my life and helped me realize the power of consciousness in shaping our lives. Since then, I have been dedicated to sharing the profound secrets of consciousness with others and helping them achieve greater fulfillment.

Our consciousness (Soul) is the force behind our physical appearance, relationships, financial success, and emotional well-being. Learning how our soul can empower us to live a fulfilling life, free from self-limiting beliefs and negative patterns is what Soul Coaching is about.

Many people struggle with loneliness, attract the wrong people or situations into their lives, or face challenges with depression, anxiety, or finances. The root cause of these struggles is our lack of understanding of our own consciousness and how to change it.

This is where Soul Coaching comes in. As a Soul Coach, I help people increase their awareness and discover the 4 steps between consciousness and results. With the right understanding and awareness, it is possible to make the miraculous happen and realize your goals.

For over 30 years, I have been inspiring people to discover their life’s purpose and reach their highest potential. Now, it is time for us to work together to uncover your soul’s true desires and achieve the life you were meant to live.
Let’s take the first step towards your transformative journey.

Achieve Your Goals and Overcome Obstacles with Ease by Transforming Your Limitations into Opportunities. Join My Consciousness Coaching Program Now and Unlock Your True Potential!
Achieve Your Goals and Overcome Obstacles by Transforming Your Limitations into Opportunities, and your weaknesses into strengths. Join My Soul Coaching Program Now and Unlock Your True Potential!



20 Minute Introduction to Soul Coaching

Book your 20-minute consultation with Rabbi Abe to answer questions about life, business, or relationships